About Herborisia CBD hemp shop

CBD Hemp Shop - Herborisia.co.ukConvinced by the benefits of hemp on health and the environment, our team brings together professionals from different scientific and technical backgrounds as well as regular consumers and fervent supporters of the use of aromatic and medicinal plants for a better lifestyle.

Taking advantage of the evolution of regulatory frameworks in Europe, we have, since 2015, started to distribute cannabis and hemp flowers with a high CBD content and respecting the limit of THC levels set by Swiss legislation (1% ) or the European Union (0.2%). By passion and conviction we make it a point of honor to offer our customers high quality products at competitive prices, while informing about the many uses and applications of cannabis and other aromatic and medicinal plants. Our brand has established itself as a safe bet in the CBD hemp flower business and we are proud to have been able to build a solid base of loyal and enthusiastic consumers over the years. They are the ones who drive our business and our development efforts.

Whether for therapeutic, well-being and relaxation reasons, or for the simple pleasure of appreciating the extraordinary organoleptic complexity of cannabis, we are constantly looking for chemotypes (the ‘varieties’ within cannabis) most suited to the various demands of our consumers. Our goal is to offer a wide selection of cannabis products, of rigorously controlled quality, which offer a full and varied range of concentrations of cannabinoids, terpenes and other beneficial phytocomposites.