Where Does The Herborisia Brand Come From?

In September 2019, Sweetweed was rebranded Herborisia. Changing the name was part of a thoughtful, progressive and long-planned process. Here is the explanation.

Who are we today?

Sweetweed is a player in the “hemp wellness” sector, specializing since 2015 in the online distribution of cannabidiol (CBD) products. Find out why Sweetweed becomes Herborisia here.

What will we be tomorrow?

Over the years, we have come to realize that our customers are particularly convinced of the power of plants in general, not just hemp.

Evolving our CBD shop into a boutique of medicinal herbs in the broad sense would allow us to better meet the expectations of our current customers. It is therefore a diversification beyond hemp (natural plant-based products) that we aim for in the long term.

Why change brand name?

Changing names by the end of 2019 must therefore respond to two complementary logics:

  • continue to promote and sell CBD products, prioritizing quality like today at the best possible price.
  • have a name compatible with the marketing of phyto-concentrates from other plants than that of cannabis. Our identity will also have to “speak”, in the long term, to laboratories and players in the world of phytotherapy. From naturopathy to aromatherapy, with whom we wish to collaborate (quality control, transparency on origins, prescriptions for their patients, etc.).

Remove the word “weed” from our identity

Indeed, the word “weed” is today associated by the majority of people with “Indian hemp”, that is to say cannabis with a high content of THC, the main psychoactive substance of this plant. THC is used mainly for recreational purposes and its use is still very controversial and illegal in the majority of European countries.

In addition, to delete the word “weed” from our identity is not to deny our past, it is not to betray our DNA, it is to give ourselves better weapons for the battle and the rehabilitation of the use of hemp. Without the word “weed” in our “branding”, we will be less stigmatized, less demonized, better equipped to defend the cause of CBD hemp and its consumers.

However, the battle is not yet won (many people still want to ban everything, gray area regarding flowers, etc …), there is still work, and many people to convince.

Get closer to a word that evokes medicinal herbs

As hemp is a herb, we searched for a word that evoked the power of herbs and plants, including cannabis.

Sweetweed becomes Herborisia

  • Besides herbaceous plants, Herborisia also refers to the noble profession of herbalist. The idea of ​​bringing our identity closer to a word that evokes well-being through plants seemed natural to us. Being based in Valais (Switzerland), one of the cradles of the production of medicinal plants in Europe.
  • Isia is a variant of Isis, the name of a mythical Egyptian goddess. Legend has it that Osiris was teaching agriculture to humanity with the help of Isis. A very popular deity during ancient Egypt, the cult of Isis later spread throughout the Mediterranean basin. The Greeks and then the Romans made Isis the embodiment of fertile land and the inventor of agriculture. For a long time, the goddess will be considered as the one who sowed wheat for the first time and who, each year, made fruit trees and plants.
Isia, égérie d'Herborisia, vient d'Isis, la déesse qui incarne la terre fertile.
Isis caring for trees, illumination from Allegory XXV, early 15th century, source Wikipedia

A logo inspired by Isis

We decided to make Isis our new face! Here is the result:

Official Herborisia logo